Tuesday, January 28, 2020

Box Kid Adventures announced for release

That VideoGame Blog
Box Kid Adventures announced for release


I’m really enjoying 2020 so far. One of my favorite genres is getting loads of love and we’re seeing lots of new entries to its ranks, which is brilliant. The genre of which I speak is the puzzle genre and the boys and girls at T-Rex Interactive have just announced a new title that I can get my teeth into. It’s called Box Kid Adventures and it’s coming to Steam today, the 28th of January.

Box Kid Adventures is a top-down, dynamic puzzler. In this new brain-bender you’ll take on the role of Box Kid, a toy made of cardboard. You’ll then take him through various levels full of nasty enemies and challenging puzzles. To give you an idea of the play-style, this title falls in the footsteps of games such as Boulderdash, Chip’s Challenge and The Adventures of Lolo or Robbo.

To give you a wee taste of Box Kid Adventures’ plot … in the age of electronics toy robots became the favorite playthings of children. In trying to breathe life into the world of the imagination a young, ambitious designer created a toy. This toy was a kid, a box kid made completely out of cardboard. Unimpressed with the invention, the CEO of the designer’s company threw the little creation down the garbage chute. You will need to help Box Kid fulfill his destiny to find out the true reason behind his disposal.

Your journey will take you through 75 beautiful levels that truly capture the spirit of the 8-bit era. If you get hooked and find that 75 levels simply isn’t enough for you why not go and create some of your own with Box Kid‘s inbuilt level editor? You can also collect keys to unlock more characters and levels as you play so you should have plenty to go at.

I remember Chip’s Challenge well. I had a copy on my Atari Lynx and it got played to death. If Box Kid Adventures can even come close to the level of awesome that title holds for me it will absolutely be worth playing. T-Rex Interactive has also kindly released a trailer so you can have a little look-see and decide whether this is going to be the latest addition to the puzzle section of your library.


Images supplied courtesy of Games Press

The post Box Kid Adventures announced for release appeared first on That VideoGame Blog.

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